Psc,jsc,jdc,ssc,hsc Result Through by Sms system Format

Psc jsc jdc ssc hsc result by sms system format

Mubarak to all SSC-2016 results.

Every year,psc,jsc, jdc,SSC,hsc/ submitted / equivalent

To see the results of almost one rule. So this year
Innovation does not make sense. all exm result 
Submission / equivalent examination results in two ways:
can see.
Mobile phone Sms ( sms) through.
Web site 
Mobile viewing process
Go To Message  option on your mobile phone.
Ssc  <space>   FRIST 3 Word of Bord <space>
Your Roll Number
 Send Sms   to 16222 and the day.

Every SMS (SMS) will be cut to 2.30 taka per sms
Exmple:  SSC Dha 423065 2014 send to 16222

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