Grameenphone 16MB Internet 3 Taka
To activate dial*5000*181# and explore the unknown.Terms and Conditions:
This offer will continue till 7 March, 2016
Offer will be valid till 11:59pm of the day of activation Offer applicable for
all prepaid anpostpaid customers After Internet Volume Expiration customers will be charged Tk.01/10KB (till validity exists, up to 200 Taka)Unused Data Volume will not be carried
forwardDial*121*1*2#to know internet balanceSD, VAT & Conditions applied
Tags: Grameenphone 16 mb internrt 3 Taka,gp 16 mb 3 taka,gp 3 taka 16 internet,grmeenphone 3 taka 16 mb