Gp 2000 mb/2gb Internet 20 taka independent day offer details:
Gp observe day of 26 march happiness.This day is happy day for Grameenphone is giving 2000MB at only20 taka.
validity : only 7 days
To activate this package dial *5000*76#
Terms and condition :
This offer will continue till25th MarchOffer will be valid for7 days
from activation.
Offer can be used only from12 AM - 10 AM
After Internet Volume Expiration customers will be charged Tk.01/10KB (till validity exists, up to 200 Taka)
SD, VAT, SC & Conditions appliedUnused Data Volume will not be carried forward
Dial*121*1*2#to know internet balanceAuto renewal not applicable
Tag: Gp independent day offer 2016,gp sadinota dibos offer,gp 2000 mb only 20 taka, gp 2gb 20 taka, grameenphone 2000 mb 20 taka. gp 20 taka 2000 mb,gp 20 taka 2gb. gp 2000 mb data 20 taka, gp independent day bonus.